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Hernia and Kids

About a year and half ago I had a Hernia. Around that same time our twins we’re due. With my wife having a planned c-section and me having back surgery we would be in lot of trouble carrying around our kids without messing up our bodies completely. In the end I didn’t need a surgery but carrying kids around was something I was unable to do.

One of the bigger problems we faced was how to get our oldest in and out of his bed. Although we had the feeling he wasn’t quite ready for it, we put him in a big boy bed so he could climb in and out himself. This turned out amazingly well. From the first night on he stayed in his bed.

I’m writing this now, having familiar lower back pain and afraid that we have to face the same problems again, but now with twins that are a lot younger than Jack was when we put him in the big boy bed. Luckily mom can carry them this time, but with her evening and night shifts I’ll sometimes be alone with them and have to figure out how to deal with it.

Anyone out there that faced similar problems and has the golden ticket? Drop a note!


Published inDad's life