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Learn Better Coding Through Games

I started learning to code back in 1998. There were a couple of resources available on the web which I used eagerly to learn as much as I could. We didn’t have any programming classes in school so the only thing you could do is learn this stuff from the web or get a ‘Dummies’ or ’24 hour’ book of your desired programming language and follow along through the chapters. Only to realise that when your done, you don’t really know how to code but you gained theoretical knowledge how one should code according to the book.

In 2000 I was ready to develop my first real website. I went for a functional programmed PHP site which worked pretty good. But as the site grew bigger I ran into a couple of problems almost all related to speed optimizations.

So I knew how to code, but I had to become better… plenty of resources around this time on the web but never fun to read.

Luckily things are way better in this day and age and one of the most fun ways I’ve found to become a better coder isĀ CodingGame. They provide a lot of different game settings in which you have to provide a programmed solution to the problem they have planted in the environment. They have interpreters for many programming languages including PHP, Perl, Swift, C++ and many, many more.

Go check it out and see if you can complete all of the games.

Coding Game website
Coding Game website
Published inCode