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Perl web development – Step 2: Perlbrew

This is step 2 in the Perl web development series. In this step we focus on setting up a new Perl environment with perlbrew so we can leave the system Perl alone. If you don’t care about messing with the system Perl or you already have a Perl setup you can skip this step.

I don’t like messing around with the system Perl. Sometimes the system Perl has tweaks specifically designed for the OS you’re working on and therefore can have unexpected behaviour. To deal with this I use perlbrew which is a very handy application that makes it possible to install multiple versions of Perl on your system so you can Play around with all versions.

Install perlbrew

Perlbrew is quitte easy to install. Run the following command and everything should be set. If you’re having troubles installing checkout out the perlbrew website for more install options.

$ \curl -L | bash

After installing run the perlbrew command to get a list of all the options.

$ perlbrew
    perlbrew command syntax:
        perlbrew <command> [options] [arguments]
        init           Initialize perlbrew environment.
        info           Show useful information about the perlbrew installation
        install        Install perl
        uninstall      Uninstall the given installation
        available      List perls available to install
        lib            Manage local::lib directories.
        alias          Give perl installations a new name
        upgrade-perl   Upgrade the current perl
        list           List perl installations
        use            Use the specified perl in current shell
        off            Turn off perlbrew in current shell
        switch         Permanently use the specified perl as default
        switch-off     Permanently turn off perlbrew (revert to system perl)
        exec           exec programs with specified perl enviroments.
        self-install       Install perlbrew itself under PERLBREW_ROOT/bin
        self-upgrade       Upgrade perlbrew itself.
        install-patchperl  Install patchperl
        install-cpanm      Install cpanm, a friendly companion.
        install-multiple   Install multiple versions and flavors of perl
        download       Download the specified perl distribution tarball.
        clean          Purge tarballs and build directories
        version        Display version
        help           Read more detailed instructions
    Generic command options:
        -q --quiet     Be quiet on informative output message.
        -v --verbose   Tell me more about it.
    See `perlbrew help` for the full documentation of perlbrew, or
    See `perlbrew help <command>` for detail description of the command

Install a new Perl

After you have setup perlbrew its time to install a new Perl. Run the command to list all available Perl versions to check which one you want to install.

$ perlbrew available

When you’ve found the one you want to install just simply run the install command and sit back and relax, this can take a while. Run a tail on the log to see the progress.

$ perlbrew install perl-5.23.8
Fetching perl 5.23.8 as /Users/***/perl5/perlbrew/dists/perl-5.23.8.tar.bz2
Download to /Users/***/perl5/perlbrew/dists/perl-5.23.8.tar.bz2
Installing /Users/***/perl5/perlbrew/build/perl-5.23.8 into ~/perl5/perlbrew/perls/perl-5.23.8
This could take a while. You can run the following command on another shell to track the status:
  tail -f ~/perl5/perlbrew/build.perl-5.23.8.log

Use your new Perl

Your new Perl is installed so time to use it. You can either run programs using your new Perl by running the perlbrew exec command or permanently switch to the new Perl. In this series I choose the switch command.

perlbrew switch perl-5.23.8

Every time you run the perl command the new version is being used instead of the system Perl.

Install cpanm

We’re going to use a number of cpan modules and therefore need a good installer for the modules. Perlbrew works nicely with cpanm and even has a install command for it so this is the one we’ll use.

$ perlbrew install-cpanm

That’s it for step 2, our work here is done.

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