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Web Software Development in Perl

Most of my work consist of web software development. There is the occasional server maintenance, but I think it’s a good 85% coding and 15% other things which include testing, server stuff etc. Although I’m a Perl programmer by heart and also much more a backend programmer than anything else, working in the web development world means you need to know your web languages.

Web Software development languages

So next to coding Perl I spend a lot of my time coding HTML, CSS & Javascript. Often I found myself in a situation where I’m either not sure how something should be done or just want to know if opinions shifted over time and there are new ways to do something. In the case of HTML, CSS & Javascript you simply google around a little bit and BOOM! 10 million hits on your query and most important of all, the first 5 hits are quite often pretty good answers! But if you’re looking for Perl stuff… either the answers are pretty old, and this may be good because that means brilliant minds came up with these and it never should be done otherwise. Or you have to search through a number of hits to finally find something that suits you.

So what…?

So what… you might think and I don’t blame you for it. We are Perl developers and we know we sometimes have to do a little more digging through web pages or books to get to what we want. But what about the potential new Perl programmers? They are Google minded because that’s what has worked for them so far. We need more relevant hits for Perl on general queries like ‘web development’ or ‘software development’. Perl is a great language! I really love it and if my working live let’s me I will probably use it for eternity. In general opinion Perl has fallen from the ultimate web glue to a language in decline that no one is using anymore. We Perl devs know that’s not true so just let them know once more!

Perl modules

This is a list for all potential Perl programmers, take a look at it and maybe can welcome you to the wonderful world that is Perl.

OO (object oriented programming)

  • Perl itself has basic OO implementation
  • Moose
  • Moo (minimalist version of Moose)

ORM (object relational mapping)

Web frameworks

I love to see more lists in the comment, or if you have any updates for this list just hit me up!

Published inCode